Meet Danielle Yannotta, VP Marketing
LIM College and Founder, DMY Marketing…
@dmymarketing & linkedin
Number of children:
2 girls - 5 years old, 2 years old
list 3 ways that being a parent has positively influenced your life:
Laser focused on being as effective and productive as possible while working, being empathic towards others I work with, showing my girls what the value of hard work and dedication is.
Please share any tips or insights you can offer to other working parents.
Allow yourself to accept the fact that you can't be everywhere at every time! Know that you are a rockstar no matter what! Be patient with yourself and always trust your gut when making decisions personally and professionally, Stay true to your values.
What’s your latest working parent win and/or other important info you would like to share?
Was able to attend an important upcoming event for my oldest daughter while still attending an important work event through flexible time off and remote capabilities.